Draad (lang) ophalen om het neusje vast te zetten. Deze draad door alle steken halen en iets aantrekken. Kraaltjes voor de oogjes aanzetten en een lintje met kraaltjes als versiering onderin het lijfje
Get the cream (long) thread to fasten. This thread through all stitches and attract something . Beads for the eyes and a Ribbon with beads as decoration at the bottom of the bodice
Wire (long) pick to secure.'s Nose This thread removing all stabbing and a little wear. Beads starters for the eyes and a ribbon with beads and trim the bottom of the bodice
Wire (long) to retrieve the cream. This wire by all stitches and get something attract. beads for the eyelets is switched on and a ribbon with beads as bottom of the bodice ornament